Registration is now open for the first BITSS summer institute (June 2-5, 2014 – Berkeley, CA). The workshop is designed for students, post-docs, and junior faculty eager to learn more about new transparency tools available and appropriate for their own research in economics, political science, psychology or another related discipline. Course description, list of instructors, and application instructions are available on the ICPSR Summer Program Portal.

Over the past years, an inspiring number of bottom-up innovations across social science disciplines have sought to advance the reliability, reproducibility, and validity of empirical social studies, realigning scholarly incentives with scholarly values. Examples include systematic disclosure of methods and results, registration and pre-analysis plans, and open data and materials. Meanwhile, multiple organizations have been developing tools to make it easier to archive and share research design, plans and data.
This workshop will inform participants about the latest trends in the shift towards increased transparency, providing an overview of the different tools and techniques that are available and appropriate for social science research. Participants will be chosen through a competitive selection process, and will be expected to devote substantial time to preparatory work in advance of the institute. Each attendee will finish the weeklong program with a specific work product based on his/her own research interests.
All application materials must be submitted no later than Wednesday, March 26.
More info here.