May 30, 2018  –  May 30, 2018  |  San Antonio, TX

2018 AEA CTREE Panel on Promoting Transparency in Undergraduate Empirical Research

Catalysts Soazic Elise Wang Sonne and Richard Ball will present their work on a panel titled “Promoting Transparency in Undergraduate Empirical Research” at the Eighth Annual AEA Conference on Teaching and Research in Economic Education (CTREE).

3:00 – 5:00pm
Conference Room 3-4
Session A3: Promoting Transparency in Undergraduate Empirical Research

Presiding: Anthony Underwood, Dickinson College

Anthony Underwood and Emily Marshall, Dickinson College – Writing in the Discipline and Reproducible Methods: A Process-Oriented A pproach to Teaching Empirical Undergraduate Economics Research

David Vera – California State University-Fresno – Enhancing Students’ Appreciation for Reproducibility and Transparency in an Introduction to Econometrics Class

Soazic Elise Wang Sonne – Towards an Understanding of Research Transparency and Reproducibility Practices Adoption Among Social Sciences Researchers in Cameroon: Is There a Gender Bias? (A presentation and paper can be found on the OSF here).

Richard Ball – Integrating Transparency into Courses and Research Advising

Discussants: Kevin McIntyre (Trinity University), Jill Hayter (East Tennessee State University), Simon Halliday (Smith College), Emily Marshall (Dickinson College)