
BITSS works with policy analysts and organizations to implement best tools and practices for OPA. Below is a list of ongoing and completed projects.

We are also open to partnering with other institutions and researchers to expand this portfolio. Contact us at to learn how you can bring OPA to your institution or apply it to a specific policy report.

Open Policy Analysis of Deworming Interventions

To facilitate the translation of the existing evidence on deworming into policy, BITSS developed an OPA of Deworming Interventions, a fully transparent and reproducible analysis integrating findings from past academic research and real-world implementation data. The OPA is a tool for policymakers and policy analysts to easily access policy estimates that account for variations in costs and longevity of deworming programs in their local contexts. Learn more here.

Open Policy Analysis of a Progressive Wealth Tax proposal

We collaborated with UC Berkeley economists Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman to produce a fully reproducible version of their policy analysis for Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s progressive wealth tax plan, part of her 2020 presidential campaign. Learn more here.

Open Policy Analaysis of the Effects of Minimum Wage Increase on Employment and Family Income

Using a Dynamic Document, we demonstrate an application of the OPA principles using the 2014 U.S. Congressional Budget Office (CBO) policy report on “The Effects of a Minimum-Wage Increase on Employment and Family Income”. This report was cited by key stakeholders across the political spectrum, with disagreements around the inputs used, the modeling choince and the way output was interpreted. Learn more here.