This searchable database includes basic information about BITSS Catalysts with public profiles. All contacts are searchable by discipline, expertise in open science, and types of services (meta-research, protocol development, training, other) for which you can contact them. Some profiles also include contact information for Catalysts who have agreed to make such information publicly available. Want to get in touch with a Catalyst whose contacts aren’t publicly posted? Email us!

  • Discipline

  • Expertise

  • Services

167 Results
Neeta Goel
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Impact Evaluation
Hopin Lee
University of Newcastle, University of Oxford
Nam Pho
Harvard Medical School
Data Science
Jose M. Magallanes
Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, University of Washington
Public Policy
Lorena Barba
The George Washington University
Computational Science, Engineering and Computer Science
Elaine Toomey
National University of Ireland Galway
Behavior Change, Health Sciences, Life Sciences, Public Health
Nicole Janz
Cambridge University, Nottingham University
Political Science

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