Jun 10, 2015  –  Jun 12, 2015  |  Berkeley, CA

BITSS 2015 Summer Institute

Research norms are changing faster than ever before. Repeated cases of scientific dishonesty, mistakes in data analysis, irreproducible findings, and publication bias in the literature, have prompted an impressive number of methodological, statistical, and technological innovations. There is a growing quantity of services and resources to archive and share data, report methods used to generate results, pre-register study plans, enable reproducibility of findings, as well as software tools to support transparent and collaborative workflows. Read More →

Dec 11, 2014  –  Dec 12, 2014  |  Berkeley, CA

BITSS 2014 Annual Meeting

The movement towards more transparency, reproducibility, and openness has gained a lot momentum in the social sciences. Yet, the norms and institutions that govern academic research do not reflect this culture shift. Significant problems remain, including professional incentives that reward striking and statistically significant research findings at the expense of scientific integrity. Read More →

Jun 2, 2014  –  Jun 6, 2014  |  Berkeley, CA

BITSS 2014 Summer Institute

Over the past years, an inspiring number of bottom-up innovations across social science disciplines have sought to advance the reliability, reproducibility, and validity of empirical social studies, realigning scholarly incentives with scholarly values. Examples include systematic disclosure of methods and results, registration and pre-analysis plans, and open data and materials. Meanwhile, multiple organizations have been developing tools to make it easier to archive and share research design, plans and data. This workshop seeks to inform participants about the latest trends in the shift towards increased transparency, providing an overview of the different tools and techniques that are available and appropriate for social science research. The curriculum has been designed for anyone interested in learning more about best practices for empirical research in economics, political science, psychology or any other social science discipline. Read More →

Dec 12, 2013  –  Dec 13, 2013  |  Berkeley

BITSS 2013 Annual Meeting

This year’s convening featured presentations of several recent and promising efforts to increase transparency in economics, political science, psychology, and biostatistics. During this day and a half, a packed room of academics, funders, and journal editors discussed different strategies to increase the coordination among transparency initiatives, promote knowledge-sharing and innovation, and foster the adoption of effective transparency tools by the research community. Read More →

Dec 7, 2012  |  Berkeley, CA

BITSS 2012 Annual Meeting

This one-day meeting brought together a select group of researchers from across disciplines – including Economics, Political Science, Psychology and Statistics – to discuss the use of pre-analysis plans and study registries. The goal of the meeting was to understand the promise, as well as limitations, of recent developments in this area across different social science disciplines, and discuss possible ways forward. Read More →