Graduate Student Researcher, Spring 2020

BITSS seeks an advanced graduate student (up to 49% time) for Spring 2019 to support the development of (1) training materials for reproducible research in economics and (2) a pre-analysis plan for a study testing an open science intervention on researcher behavior. These are two independent projects managed in coordination.

Scope of Work

The student will be responsible for:

  • Co-developing curricular materials and other resources for a platform on computational reproducibility
  • Surveying eligible graduate programs for an experimental economics grant competition
  • Co-developing surveys in Qualtrics
  • Writing code, based on simulated data, (in R) for a pre-analysis plan.

There may be an opportunity to extend this position through Summer and Fall 2020 depending on interest and availability. If extended, the student will additionally be responsible for the following for providing technical support to economics graduate students conducting reproductions and conducting analysis of the reproducibility of published economics literature.


Project (1): The curricular materials will be pilot tested in graduate economics courses in Spring 2020 at UC Berkeley and other universities. A beta version of the platform will be launched in early 2020.
Project (2): The pre-analysis plan will be finalized and pre-registered in late 2019. The grant competition will be launched in January 2020.

Desired qualifications

We are looking for a student with coursework or experience in economics, preferably having conducted a computational reproduction (or ‘replication’) of at least one published study. The ideal candidate has completed at least one year of coursework, is familiar with R, Github and Qualtrics, and has an interest in research transparency. Note that the GSR will not be eligible to apply for the aforementioned grant competition. Salary step commensurate with experience at UC Berkeley.

How to apply

Email with your CV, a brief statement of interest, and if available link to sample project (e.g., a GitHub/Bitbucket repo), using the subject line: “BITSS GSR” Deadline to apply is January 17, 2020.