Ann-Marie Creaven BITSS CatalystPsychology

Ann-Marie Creaven is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in the Department of Psychology at the University of Limerick (UL), in Ireland. She completed her bachelors and doctorate in psychology at the National University of Ireland, Galway, where she also completed a diploma in Gaeilge (Irish language). Broadly, her research examines how social relationships influence health, for better and for worse, particularly in terms of coping with stress. This programme of research spans several sub-disciplines of psychology and relates to other disciplines including health and sociology.
Dr. Creaven joined UL as a Lecturer in September 2013, following a year applying her research skills to several policy-relevant projects at the Educational Research Centre in Dublin, Ireland. At the University of Limerick, she is a member of the Centre for Social Issues Research cluster and Director of the SASHLab research group, involved in several strands of research in stress and health. Currently, with internal and external collaborators she is working on developing standardized protocols for cardiovascular stress-testing that we hope will enhance reproducible research in this area.
Dr. Creaven also teaches across several topic areas in psychology and methods. Her teaching has been recognised by a First Seven Weeks Award in 2015 (awarded to staff identified by first years as having a positive impact on their early university learning) and the University of Limerick’s team teaching award, for excellence in research-led teaching and supervision activities (with internal collaborator Prof. Stephen Gallagher).