Anne-Katherin Kleine BITSS CatalystPsychology

Anne-Kathrin Kleine is a Postdoctoral Researcher and Principal Investigator specializing in human-AI interaction in healthcare at LMU Munich. As a data analyst and social scientist, her research focuses on the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in healthcare, exploring both the potential and challenges of these technologies. In addition to her research, Anne-Kathrin is dedicated to promoting open science and reproducible data analysis through teaching and workshops.

Her Catalyst project adopts a “Training of Trainers” (ToT) model to enhance reproducibility in research. The project brings together Master and Junior Trainers to develop a series of workshops aimed at equipping master’s students, PhD candidates, and postdocs in the social sciences with skills in reproducible data analysis using R and Quarto, version control with Git and GitHub, and creating reproducible research packages. The training materials are publicly available.

Reproducible Data Analysis in the Social Sciences