Flavio Azevedo BITSS CatalystPolitical Psychology

Flavio is a Fulbright fellow and a research associate at the Institute for Communication Science (IfKW) of Friedrich Schiller University, Germany. Recently, he was named as one of the 100 most influential early career Portuguese via the “Global Shapers“ initiative by the World Economic Forum. His scholarship on political psychology has been published in the Journal of Politics, Political Psychology, Psychological Inquiry, Journal of Social Issues, and the Social Psychological and Personality Science. One of Flavio’s main research interests is open and reproducible science, and he co-founded FORRT (Framework for Open and Reproducible Research Training) to provide educators with a pathway towards integrating open and reproducible science principles into higher education. Flavio’s other interests lie on the intersection between Political Science and Social Psychology, where he investigates the role of ideology in justifying social and economic injustices as well as dispositional and situational processes underlying ideological subscription and its psychology. Twitter: @Flavio_Azevedo_.