Michèle Nuijten 2016 Leamer-Rosenthal Prize RecipientPsychologyStatistics and Data Science

Emerging Researcher
Michèle Nuijten obtained her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Psychological Methods at the University of Amsterdam in 2011 and 2012, respectively. After that, she started her PhD project titled “Human Factors in Statistics” at Tilburg University, where she is part of the Meta-Research Center. Her research focuses on meta-science, including a wide range of topics such as replication, publication bias, statistical errors, and questionable research practices. Furthermore, she is a co-developer of the R package and web application “statcheck”, which extracts statistics from articles and checks them for consistency.
Michèle and Dr. Sacha Epskamp were jointly awarded this prize for their work developing statcheck. The package has already had a large impact in the psychological research community. It was featured in Nature last month and the editors of Psychological Science are experimenting with incorporating it into their review process.
2016 Annual Meeting Leamer-Rosenthal Prize Winner Interview