Temitope Laniran BITSS CatalystEconomics

Temitope Laniran earned a BSc in Economics from Bowen University Iwo and a MSc in Economics & Finance for Development from the Bradford Centre for International Development (BCID), University of Bradford. He was awarded an Erasmus grant of the European Union lifelong learning programme to study Human Development and Food Security at the Roma Tre Universita Degli Studi Rome, Italy. Since then he has simultaneously worked with the Centre for Petroleum, Energy Economics and Law, (CPEEL), University of Ibadan, as well as Equilibra Consulting both in Nigeria. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Development and Economic studies at BCID.
Prior to joining CPEEL, he served in different capacities including the Centre for Management Development, Lagos, (Economic Management Department). He has attended several conferences and has published both locally and internationally. Temitope is a member of the Royal Economic Society (RES), the Development Studies Association (DSA), the Nigerian and International Association of Energy Economics (NAEE & IAEE), and the Nigerian Economic Society (NES). His research interest is focused on economic growth and development issues of natural resource rich countries.
Temitope does poetry in his spare time and is a member of the Beehive Bradford Poetry Group, and volunteers with a charity that works with Asylum seekers in Bradford.