Following a groundswell of interest for replications in the political sciences, first noticed from survey results posted on the Monkey Cage Blog, Political Scientists Seth Werfel (Stanford University) and Nicole Janz (Cambridge University), and research consultant Stephanie Wykstra launched the Political Science Replication Initiative, a new repository for uploading study replications.
Increasingly, methodological political scientists have recognized the need to reexamine empirical studies. The survey results clearly indicated a growing trend towards assigning replications to graduate students in research methods classes. Political scientists hope the growing number of publicly available replications will ensure the validity of original work and act as a safeguard against human error in research.
From its inception, the site included links to the 99 pre-existing replications created by graduate students. Collectively, the links posted have to-date received nearly 4000 downloads. Once new entries are submitted, the site makes new replications publicly available through its Political Science Replication Initiative page on Dataverse, an online publicly accessible data repository. The site also allows academics to link their existing replications by sending requests to Although there is no peer review process, if a submission does not meet the guidelines posted on the site, the study will not be posted until the appropriate changes are made.
The creators invite the public to submit their questions and comments at