Introducing open science to researchers and policymakers Catalyst Training ProjectInterdisciplinary
Arnaud Vaganay
Locations: New Delhi, India; Lausanne, Switzerland; London, England; Delft, Netherlands
This project involved a number of workshops, seminars, a summer school, and public testimony at the UK Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology inquiry on research integrity. Events reached over 250 students, researchers, faculty, librarians, and policymakers. Arnaud also served as a faculty member at three Research Transparency and Reproducibility Trainings (RT2) in Berkeley, London, and Amsterdam.
Presntations and other materials developed for this project aimed to (i) highlight the benefits of open science to social scientists and (ii) provide practical recommendations to enhance the transparency and reproducibility of social research. Materials can be found on the following event pages, as well as on RT2 event pages.
April 28 – May 1, 2017: Transparency and Reproducibility of Impact Evaluation: A Turning Point for the Evaluation Community, 3ie, New Delhi, India
September 25-29, 2017: Open Science in Practice Short Course, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland
January 30, 2018 – Geography and Environment Research Transparency and Reproducibility Training, London School of Economics, London, England
April 4, 2018 – Making Research Reproducible: A Call for Action, TU Delft, Delft, Netherlands
Ongoing – Parliamentary Inquiry into Research Integrity at the House of Commons of the UK, London, England