Making research more tangible to study participants and communities: templates for dissemination of study findings Catalyst Training ProjectPublic Health
Larissa Da Silva Daniel Umpierre
This project aims to amplify open science and research transparency by fostering the communication of research findings for study participants and the overall community. Although several studies in public health rely on the participation of human individuals who give their time and share their data, many times their knowledge about research findings or on their own individual data/results is unwarranted. Therefore, we will promote discussions with Brazilian stakeholders on how to disseminate research findings to study participants and the overall public. Thereafter, dissemination packages (templates in Portuguese, English, and Spanish) will be generated to facilitate results dissemination in two broad disciplines (clinical sciences and epidemiology). By collective construction and strong advocacy, we expect this project may foster as much attention on ethical issues as exist at the beginning of a research study (which are associated with regulatory requirements needed to study approval), valuing public engagement and transparent research.