Research Transparency and Reproducibility: A Complementary Module for All Catalyst Training ProjectPublic Health
Shaon Lahiri
Engagement with Research Transparency and Reproducibility can be challenging in a classroom, where students are more likely to worry about an upcoming quiz rather than a system of perverse incentives and questionable practices that characterize academic research. Creating a full-length course on the subject is wonderful where possible, but may not be prioritized in graduate student curricula, particularly if curriculum committees are not enthusiastic about the subject. This project aims to develop a complementary module that can be drawn upon in existing social and behavioral science methods graduate courses. It emphasizes four main components: a) history and ethics of RT2, b) reproducibility crises and the scope of the problem, c) systemic and behavioral solutions, and d) hands-on activities and applications. By emphasizing practical application, this project aims to ignite positive emotional experiences with RT2, which will extend from pedagogy to practice.
Teaching materials: https://osf.io/qw52b/