Starting from Scratch: Training Teachers and Students of Tribhuvan University, Nepal on Fundamentals of Research Ethics and Transparency Catalyst Training ProjectEconomics
Bishal Chalise
At Tribhuvan University, Nepal, graduate, and undergraduate students conduct a mini-research project or write a thesis in the last year of study. They receive training in research methods and related coursework. However, the course curricula do not have research ethics and transparency component. As a result, students are missing out on learning the issue, techniques, and objective of research ethics. Hence, proposed activities combine the development and piloting of training resources and orient teachers and students about the basics of research ethics. The specific activities include developing training and workshop materials on issues of data integrity, research misconduct, informed consent, conflict of interest, etc., conducting training sessions for final year graduate and undergraduate students, and workshop for lecturers teaching research methods and supervising students’ research.