A Framework for Open Policy Analysis BITSS ScholarsInterdisciplinaryPublic Policy
Fernando Hoces Sean Grant Edward Miguel
The evidence-based policy movement promotes the use of empirical evidence to inform policy decision-making. While this movement has gained traction over the last two decades, several concerns about the credibility of empirical research have been identified in scientific disciplines that use research methods and practices that are commonplace in policy analysis. As a solution, Hoces and colleagues argue that policy analysis should adopt the transparent, open, and reproducible research practices espoused in related disciplines.
Publications associated with this project:
- Hoces de la Guardia, Fernando, Sean Grant, and Edward Miguel. “A Framework for Open Policy Analysis.” Science and Public Policy, no. scaa067 (December 3, 2020). https://doi.org/10.1093/scipol/scaa067. An open-access version is available here.